「IFMAR R/C Drift World Cup 2018」の開催をIFMARが承認!

English Version
2017年11月、中国で開催されたIFMAR総会にて、日本で開催するWorld Cup 2018についてプレゼンテーションを行ってきました。
IFMAR(International Federation of Model Auto Racing)とは、実車でいうところのFIAに該当する団体で、RCレースの世界で最も歴史のある格式高い協会です。この協会は毎年RCレースの世界選手権を世界各地で開催しており、現在、61カ国が加盟しています。
RCDCでは、2015年よりIFMARに対し、新しくドリフト種目を追加することを提案してきました。昨年はその第一歩となる、FEMCA R/C Drift Championship 2016 (アジアカップ)の開催が実現しました。そしてこの度、2018年にIFMARの冠を付けた「IFMAR R/C Drift World Cup」を日本の谷田部アリーナで開催することが、最終確定いたしました。
IFMARでは、World Championshipに新種目を採用する前段階として、試験的にWorld Cupを開催します。World Cup の内容を見て、新種目として加えるに相応しいと判断すれば、ドリフト種目のWorld Championshipが開始されることとなります。私達は今後もその実現に向けて尽力してまいります。
広坂正美 RCDC

World Cup information

As you're aware, Japan R/C Drift Competition (R.C.D.C.) was launched in February 2015, with the aim of enhancing R/C Drift into the world wide level and pushing it to one of the major competitive sections of R/C motor sport. The features of R/C Drift include homologated and licensed car bodies that are exactly the same as vehicles you see on the real track. This provides a unique scale look that are easily recognizable to the real drift cars and cool going sideways while driving/drifting. We believe this new category will attract new people to R/C motor sport since the cars are running around at a safe scale speed, where everybody can enjoy the category even at venues where space is a premium with narrow and small driving areas.

As with the full size motor sport governing body known as the FIA, the R/C industry has a governing body known as IFMAR. IFMAR administrates and organizes R/C motor sport World Championships each year in every country in the world. IFMAR currently has 61affiliated countries who race at World Championships across multiple R/C motor sport disciplines. R.C.D.C is proposing R/C Drift as a new category for IFMAR World Championships in future. In 2016 R.C.D.C. organizing the successful FEMCA R/C Drift Championship (Asia Cup). FEMCA is an IFMAR block which represents Far East countries of IFMAR. We are now pleased to announce the IFMAR R/C Drift World Cup to be held in April 2018 at Yatabe Arena in Japan.

The 2018 IFMAR Drift World Cup will be the first IFMAR R/C drift world competition run before being adopted as a new category in the IFMAR World Championship schedule. Upon successful completion of the 2018 IFMAR Drift World Cup as a new category of R/C motor sport recognized by the governing body, the IFMAR Drift World Championship will be launched. We look forward to growing our category and will continue to work hard to achieve IFMAR World Championship status.

R.C.D.C. (R/C Drift Community)

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■2016 Japan R/C Drift Community. All rights Reserved. ■http://rcdc-jp.com ■プライバシーポリシー